GLOBALLY ~ We have all been irked and frustrated by the LOCKDOWN imposed following the PANDEMIC OUTBREAK of COVID 19. The lack of Freedom has been UNIVERSAL although it has had more effect on SOME (The Poor confined without facilities & the Elderly in Care Homes) than OTHERS. Segregation - Apartheid & the  Persecution of the Jews in Europe during the Third Reich (1933 - 45) and Ethnic Cleansing are unilateral and target ONE Race Culture or Creed.  It is ironic that the 1960s in the USA which culminated with the safe landing & return of *Two Men on the Moon* also saw the Assassination of JFK (1963) Robert Kennedy (1968) Malcolm X (1967) and MLK (1968) by those who opposed Civil Liberty for Afro-Americans.  FREEDOM is the *Hallmark of Democracy* and something we must all strive to PRESERVE ~ LET FREEDOM REIGN ~ AMEN.


FREEDOM of Speech- Choice & Movement 

Are Freedoms we have come to expect in UK

But we should never take them for granted 

We don*t like restrictions & confinement !

I know some who*ve served Custodial Sentences

And have discussed with them - the effect of LOCKUP.


LOCKDOWN - more frustrating for Me than Angela

Because for at least three days a week - Im .......

Home Alone - but not free to do just what I please.

This weekend - I want to go to the COAST 

About 20 miles. But ANGELA wants to stay .......

Local - to shop and visit Her Parents - OK !


BORIS has granted us more FREEDOM - But

After six weeks LOCKDOWN *FREEDOM seems ALIEN !*


Thanks for visit comments please Love Angela & Brian 💛💛💛


Within egalitarian Households restrictions require some compromise !  So tomorrow We will shop and visit Mama & Papa and have a glass of RIOJA TINTA in the Garden ~ all six feet apart ~ NO HUGS !  On Sunday we will visit the Coast and borrow a Friends Laser and have our first sail for Months. Angela misses the Year-round sailing in New Zealand. NZ seems to be coping with CORVID 19 much better than most Countries. They have much more *Space per Person* (by a factor of x15) than in the UK - and the HOT SPRINGS in Pooy Nooy (N I) will cure anything ! 


This POEM is presented as a 6 6 2 Blank Verse Sonnet in a mixture of Iambic Pentameter (ten syllables per line) and Iambic Hexameter (twelve syllables per line). No RHYME ~ but plenty RHYHM !      





  • Author: ANGELA & BRIAN (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: May 15th, 2020 04:33
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 20
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  • orchidee

    A fine write A&B.


      Ooops Uncle Steve We posted a comment instead of a reply ! Thanks A & B !


      GOOD EVENING UNCLE STEVE ~ Thanks for your comment ~ Pleased your enjoyed it ! We dont value our Freedom intil we lose it ~ AMEN !

      Blessings to You & Your ~ DOZY DAWG
      Angela & Brian Spiritual Love ~ 💛💛💛

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