Dear God what are your intentions?

fidel catro

Dear God what are your intentions?

I have some questions that demand attention

Why did you create us with original sin

Only to punish mankind again and again

Why do we all share Collective guilt

In this trap that you yourself built

You say we're Wicked from the womb

From the moment of birth we're already doomed

Unless we follow your commands

And give you the worship that you demand


Then you went and created hell

For the angel who had  courage to rebel

You say he wanted to take your throne

To have your Authority all alone

But maybe he just wanted freedom

To not be a pawn in a tyrant's kingdom

So you cast him out to roam the Earth

To allegedly deceive us all from birth


Then you cast Mankind from the Sacred Garden

To punish them and deny them pardon

Forever to toil, to weep and to wail

But you had already set them up to fail


We are not Wicked and we shall not kneel

To the tyrant God who denied us appeal

We'd rather stand on our feet than live on our knees

While you do nothing stop hunger, pain and disease

Then you drowned all mankind to begin a new

Maybe the wicked one is you


  • Author: fidel catro (Offline Offline)
  • Published: June 12th, 2020 02:18
  • Category: Humor
  • Views: 10
  • Users favorite of this poem: fidel catro
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    HI FIDEL ~ Buenas Tardes ~ Brian aqui. Thanks for your very challenging POEM. The BIBLE (& the CHURCH) teaches that GOD created Adam & Eve innocent but with FREE WILL ! Without FREE WILL Man would not be Human. ADAM & EVE rebelled aginst GOD listened to SATAN so GOD ejected them from the Garden of Eden. We (including NAOH & His Family) are all descended from ADAM & EVE so we are all born with the taint of SIN. God sent HIS SON JESUS to liberate us from SIN (by His Atoning Death on the CROSS} and to ensure us a place in HEAVEN if we believe in HIM ~ AMEN ! The current plight of planet EARTH ~ Global Warming ~ COVID 19 etc. are all caused by MAN ~ so God makes MAN responsible to clear up the MESS. Thanks for caring.

    Blessings & Peace & Joy
    Yours ANGELA & BRIAN 💛💛💛

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