Bring on the rejection slips and/or lost wager



Though flush with good humor

pun one mock two yields negligible

true cash equivalent value won

dirt poor offspring privileged as prodigal son

pockets bursting with legal tender,

where just yesterday I had none.


All polite declinations
strung together would circle...
(fill in the blank)

matter of fact, I just got a slew of them
today June 9th, 2020, what a lucky man

me haint an idealist...,

but winning poetry (writing) contest

or purchasing lottery tickets...

yeah, nothing butta pipe dream

such improbable whimsical notion

linkedin and tantamount

with milkmaid and pail


Aesop pose fabulous incredulous solution

finally good riddance
hand to mouth existence

hello riches, perchance a dollop

and/or sizable windfall courtesy

drawn PowerBall and/or Mega Million ticket


whereby yours truly suddenly

cursed with chump change,

and/or abundant money

would experience "fifteen minutes of fame"

flush with friends and relatives
I (a misanthrope) never knew existed

(perhaps even marriage proposition,

no matter wedded bliss prevails)

interesting... how moderate

and/or substantial wealth

suddenly finds chock a block

acquisitions (regarding brand new automobile,

custom designed house,


travel opportunities galore

(maybe even vacation to Mars)

(despite coronavirus - COVID -19) prevalence,

nevertheless awareness viz immutability altering

pubescent stunted emotional, physical

and social development


profusely sweating hands, social anxiety

all the while knowing money

can't buy happiness,

yet once and for all at long last
free and clear of grinding poverty

cuz groveling along


the pockmarked highway

avails countless exit ramps

plethora of choices

how to be analogous to jolly Roger
piloting immense ship of state

(approximating size of Rhode Island)


equipped with the latest trappings

matter of fact replete
with every creature comfort

analogous to rich

self sufficient independent country

allowing, enabling, and providing

a warm welcome - think unfurled

Harris tweed Scottish welcome mat.


Meanwhile somewhere in Schwenksville,

Pennsylvania resident

(within apartment B44)...

tenant fritters precious time wishfully thinking

(luxuriant life within theoretical leisure class)

finding this nameless scrivener

invariably hoisting himself by his own petard.


  • Author: poet2rhyme4tommorrow (Offline Offline)
  • Published: July 9th, 2020 17:20
  • Category: Fantasy
  • Views: 5
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