Awakened Side – Page 14

Nafis Light

I take my breath
as I keep on writing and posting
so many...after not doing so
for many countless days make up for them.


I take a break...and rest;
This might be just a test.


Did I pass?
How many days are there in total?
It might never last.


A continuous test...but I am looking forward to it;
My mood right now...I will take a bow
because I want to fight and go forward
but honestly...I don’t like it when I lost the mood...but the ‘how’
no idea why I feel it right now...but later, not;
There is always a reason...but I know that this is NOT ALL THAT I’VE GOT.


- Joker Green

  • Author: Nafis Light (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 28th, 2020 00:31
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 9
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    A & B here ~ Good Evening JOKER ! Some of us on MPS need to realise that we dont have to POST every day - just to emulate those (often retired !) who do ! We should really only post when our Muse moves. This is cathertic for two reasons ~

    1. We write a better poem
    2. We have more t ime to reply to those who might comment !

    STANZA 1. Suggests a certain obligation to POST - as
    often as possible because you are a Member of MPS
    S 2 & 3 Suggests you will be missed - YOU ARE !
    S 4 Indicates a resolve to write and an assurance that
    your Poetry will FLOW & be appreciated - AMEN !

    Blessings & Joy to You & Yours
    Love Angela - Brian - Smokey 💛💛💛

    • Nafis Light

      Something are like our basic needs to live and we do it every day, and we grow and all...also because we really need to like eating and sleeping and bathing.
      I was associating the posting to also be like that because things we do everyday...helps us to improve better, although I am starting to think that it is different here like what you said.

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