Time and Place



The pond with the swans is cold and quiet

but the swans are gone;

leaves once lush and green

rustle now in the north wind brown, burgundy, gold


a sky pressing down allowing no sunlight

but a few stray beams at the end of the day

shortened by the tilt of the Earth toward winter


so it seems lifeless and sterile, unwelcoming

affronting the visitor with a breeze too cold for beaches

I pull my coat close around me, hunching down


the sun lowers, the air turns violet and dim

all memory of love, of warmth, of pleasure, is locked away

for the siege; I shall not be here again,

shall not witness the creeping encroachment of winter

the shuttered windows

the bare trees

the bleak days

the solitary crow winging over the water, silent and cold


I am the water, silent and cold

but no one knows the depths

not even the swans


Copyright 2010 by Margery Larch

  • Author: Margery Larch (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: October 19th, 2020 11:30
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 15
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    ANGELA HERE (I share site with My Husband - of Six Months - Brian). Good afternoon ZINNIA (love your name & logo) welcome to MPS. It is a proactive site - it operates by reading & commenting on each others Poems ~ OK. Please visit our Site ~ Thanks !
    Love your first Poem you have set a high Standard (which encourages us All !) both in Structure & Subject. Interesting *Free Verse* and easy to recite ~ We are Performance Poets. We have visited Maine & New England in the Fall ~ AWESOME ~ I guess you desribe it as it is NOW ?
    In Stanzas 1--3 ~ Love your description of the Pond ~ makes me feel like I am there experiencing the elements. At the end of S 3. and in S 4. you are describing the scene from your viewpoint ?
    In S 5. there is a sudden switch and you write as the water ! Very interesting SWITCH ! Thanks for sharing ~ more Poems Please ~ Thanks A & B !

    Blessings & Peace to You & Yours
    Love Angela & Brian & Smokey Cat ! ! !

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