Was it an apple that Eve then Adam ate that caused the fall.
Or was it any fruit at all.
That is here now on this Earth for our censure.
Was it a sin of physical pleasure.
Was it a sin of plain old leisure.
Was it a sin of secret treasure.
Was it nothing of that sort as our own individual measure.
What if the sin to be made.
Wasn’t an act of disobedience that caused us to stray.
Could it be that the act committed that betrayed.
Wasn’t so much what God had forbade,
But when called out to answer for it.
The sin or transgression we did commit.
We got in line to blame one another & that’s what caused the split.
Because we tried to hide, then blame another, then cry out in a fit.
Instead of standing up to be counted for what was done.
Seeking out help from God the only 1.
Who could help us in our spiraling conundrum.
All because of listening to temptation then passing it on, as in lie number 1.
Then Lying, Sneaking, Cheating, Stealing, Chaos had a foothold & begun.
If you read the Biblical Story.
It will show ALL of God’s Great Glory.
In repetition how He is more like a Good Parent.
That this fall is all on us as the ones who were & are still errant.
No Not God’s fault at all, in our obsession.
Of acts that show all of our own individual transgression.
Then to run & hide instead of being accountable, as in a regression.
To own up with our true self in deeds of our truthful confession.
God is still quite ready.
With open arms & He is ever so steady.
Salvation it comes through Love of All that begins within 1.
Named Yeshua The Christ as God’s only true Son!
Does, having God's Breath cause us to be His Stepson!?
But I digress for a moment or 2.
Please don’t get the message wrong as other’s do.
That any 1 person and or religion holds this key of being Godly true.
We all have our own parts to play that is for me & for You!
Even Yeshua said this much in being quiet sincere.
That He holds All of us so very dear.
This is the message of Yeshua that is quite clear.
That those who are the most sinful, put upon, outlandish of us all.
Those wanting to be truly free within this life’s stall.
Are the very one’s He came to Help with a free gift of a covering like a shawl.
The one’s held by the majority in a religious thrall.
Hypocrisy that Yeshua Himself said he couldn’t help as they were the ones in appall.
So do tell when, who, what, where are You in this His final last call!?
AwHec8 (
- Published: November 9th, 2020 12:56
- Comment from author about the poem: For your questioning pleasure. Don
- Category: Spiritual
- Views: 51
Blimey, u don't half rely on some dodgy background stories. Adam and eve story... who wrote it... how long after their death... was any kind of writing available. All questions which make the adam and eve story as ridiculous as the book of genesis. All was an idea created by men many many many years after the story was supposed to have taken place. Utter crap believed by the gullible and the brainwashed who are afraid to think freely. Probably because they have been encouraged to live in fear of god rather than celebrating the truth of god.
Hey there dusk arising, Rather than our regular diatribe of who is what. How about you answer 1 question, kinda offbeat but within the realm of this Poem?
Why did the serpent go for the woman instead of the man? Of course within the Biblical Story as you so eloquently put it. Don
I'm not disagreeing with any of this. I say - there has to be some sort of 'original sin', to give a reason for the need of salvation.
Whoops - even St Paul blames it on Eve, if it is 'blame', saying 'Eve being in transgression (sin) was the first to be deceived'!
Would Adam have resisted the temptation if the serpent had gone to him first?!
In creating Adam 1st God was placing the greater responsibility on him. Yeah it does say that Adam wasn't deceived. So did he take on sin for Eve as he didn't want to leave her behind or he didn't want to be alone without her or felt responsible for her fall? Adam did take on sin willingly according to the Bible. I mean that is Christ like Love. Just like Christ takes on sin for us in His coming. There is some who allude to why in the Biblical Narrative, but knowing the answer would be kinda of revealing in what his mindset was.
However without saying 1 is better than the other 1 or 1 is over the other 1. I will say if you follow the Narrative in Genesis it does say that Adam was created 1st then after placing him in the garden, after having Adam name all the creatures, after some time God then placed Adam into a deep sleep to pull out a rib and Breathe life into Eve. So its like we are built different for our own purposes in life with Adam being 1st then Eve 2nd. Adam the head of the Garden/house, Eve the helpmate for the Garden/house? Each to serve God and be a help for the tending of the Garden now this Earth? Each being equal in God's eyes, so we are meant to serve God & each other within our own lanes? Does establishing real manhood & womanhood mean we can have traits that overlap but we are built for different purposes in physical, mental, spiritual purposes. I mean I can't birth a baby anymore than a woman can cause the sex of a baby as men carry both chromosones & women carry only 1.
God proceeded in one way; the serpent in the opposite. So the serpent usurped God's plan as going after Eve 1st flipped upside down God's plan. She was the recipient of the serpent’s deception; then Adam listened to her voice! As Eve did bring sin into this world 1st even though she was 2nd. Did Adam, for his part, abandoned his post as head. Eve was deceived; Adam forsook his responsibility Were there specific differences in Eve that Satan sought to exploit? Her nurturing and empathetic strength? Did Adam let Eve down because he didn't protect her well like was part of his purpose? So what was Adam's real intentions, his real reason for taking on sin, too? Just a thought I think about when I am on my throne (LOL🤣), along with others, too. Don
As a daft aside - some women we may not listen to - no one listens to mother-in-law's voice! heehee.
Yes orchidee you made me laugh once again. Dude I absolutely Love your wit! Don
Oh please - you should realise that "God made man in his own image" is really an inversion of the truth, which was that man made god in his own image.
And the rest, as they say, is history.
As my Dad would say, "another country heard from."
Hey there Doggerel Dave & all who are just plain old Hypocrites. Lets take a look at what happens time after time. I put out for anyone’s viewing pleasure thoughts, poems, songs, of my Love, Yeshua The Christ, of my Faith, of my Hope for tomorrow. Then you, yes all of you just plain old shit on my parade of thought. No Not lively banter of hey Don what about this or that in an opposing thought and or view. Just plain old hypocritical Bullshit of your prejudices against anyone who would have a view of A Loving God, of Loving God.
1)Where is your evidence of your belief, other than talking points of another’s point of view? Like I have said before my belief comes from a personal experience with God, of a well established history of God in the archeological record, of the written word of God which is Yeshua The Christ.
2)What “proof” that we come from random acts of Life being established here on Earth do you have, something other than a Loving God as your basis for your belief? NO NOT just theory’s from idiotic thinkers who loved their own Lies!
3)Where is the Love, the Law that binds you all together in a common cause for a purpose in Humanity? I mean isn’t it kinda hypocritical to say you have the lock on belief, love, law, purpose in Life, etc,? I am saying God has not you or me. God put in us Gifts of purpose that are unique to every 1 of us.
That somehow my Faith, my Hope, my Love is so upsetting to you that you have to shit on my thoughts. Do I trouble you that much, or is it my ideas that trouble you so much that you have to call me out for my Belief? Do I call you out for your Belief’s? No me standing my ground in my Belief is Not shitting on your parade, as I am defending absolutely Not attacking like you always do.
I could go on in a point by point taking down of the walls you have built on sand itself, but that would take a lifetime of a sermon. Just know my “proof” is in your very DNA as who wrote your code for your body to be alive? For You to be YOU! What is it that allows for YOU to be sentient? NOTHING comes from NOTHING! There has to be a Creator as we don’t just happen out of NOTHING! Period. Name 1 time, just 1 where in the history of the universe something comes from NOTHING to become SOMETHING!? Oh and yeah it has to be a Loving God who has given us all the very gifts to be, with 1 being Free Will, the other 1 being Free Salvation. So we could have a way to Fuck up then have a way Back, you know Free Will and all! Period. That is why there is so much evil in this World. As it’s all on us, you and me and everyone else in the history of the World. To say without proof we made up God is kinda the argument you are trying to make against my Belief. You make NO argument or debate in points of fact for your position of I am a fool, Yes that’s possible I could be a fool, as Humanity always finds a way to obfuscate the Truth of who God is. Think of it this way God is to Truth the way a Noun is always describing it proper, we are to Truth the way an adjective is, sometimes at our best in describing said Truth or being said Truth, sometimes at our worst. There is NO in between. Yet, In most cases Truth is wasted on those who have made up their minds already in abstract stupidity with no room for Growth. I mean I say we come from a Loving God with a practical purpose that is all in on Humanity, Through our Love of each other. I also say I have room for opposing thoughts in my poems as what is put out is for anyone to use or not use, pass along or not. What Say You?
Yeah you already said it haven’t you! Don
Oh Don - 'sorry I intervened. You just carry on. But you won't include me. Assuming you, apart from your beliefs, are comparatively harmless (you don't carry too many guns, do you?) I will navigate quietly around you and you won't score a view from me.
Kindest of regards, Dave
Good God in His Kingdom! To equate a Christ Lover to that of a Gun toting person is Wrong. I don't blame you personally anymore than when I get it from the other side. So called believers in Christ that think they are some kind of avengers for Christ. As if we are out of the time of Grace or that Christ came to murder those He came to save. I mean Spanish Inquisition or coming soon American Inquisition!
Yes there will come a time when God will Judge us all, But I am Not part of that plan or an avenging angel, so to speak.
To say that someone anyone with a Bible in 1 hand, a weapon in the other, spewing toxic religious Bullshit is a Lover of the Lord is beyond my understanding as I believe the reason God will Judge the USA is all on these right wing religious Nuts, Not because of anything they say! The USA very shortly will fall as predicted as we are already full on Hypocrites, yes Jackasses all, me tooI I am of the Belief that the very ones who say it is others sin that causes Judgement are in fact the ones God is coming to Judge for their Hypocrisy (you know the ones saying God is on their side). I seek Truth to be on God's side. Stumbling, Bumbling along just like everyone else does! I thought that was/is reflected in my Poems, Songs and such. But maybe not, maybe I just get lumped in with the Nuts, maybe I am a Nut too. We all have the right to be right and the right to be wrong in our personal beliefs. At least for me that is True. Don
Thanks Don - you know, I almost managed to read most of your last entry. If you could just fine it down some more we could almost have a dialogue - or I might manage to grasp what you are on about. I don't believe it would change either of our positions, but we might at least be more understanding of each other.
Kind regards Dave
Alright then let me say knowing a thing is NOT the cause of anything to happen.
Taking the position of God is in Control, doesn't mean I am.
All I am responsible for is my being who I am especially if and or when under extreme stress.
Love and be Loved, Live and let Live, go all in on who you are in what you believe. I will fight with you for that and stand with you on that. Just as my Lord and Savior did and is still doing.
That when anyone has their rights taken away then I lose, so that standing by is not an option.
Standing up is the Only Option, especially when its against the majority, as that is when it counts the most.
That this is a zero sum game. As if anyone gaining more rights in society or in economically or any other way somehow causes a lose for me or anyone else is bullshit thinking. Either everyone has the right to be who they are or no 1 has the right. Period. So inclusive not exclusive. But that is my way of thinking. I will stand up for who I am and what I believe in as much as I will and have for any 1 or group.
Right is Right and wrong is nobody.
People/Relationships are success not material things or possessions. Don
So we have two areas of divergent thinking here:
-You believe in the existence of an all loving etc God. I don't. I'll never get my head around that: how in infinite time and infinite space (think about it!) there could be some super being that loves you and looks after your affairs, and, presumably all other sentient beings in an infinite universe.
= You believe everyone has the right to be who they are. Do you think that the poor, the disenfranchised, the subjects of all manner of social injustice have the ?right? to be like that?
Regards Dave
I can respect all of that Doggerel Dave. Just realize that even though I am considered a person of privilege because of my being a Caucasian I am also poor, disabled, disenfranchised, like those I want to stand with, like those who in the history of the USA that have been used & abused by their own government with experiments, like giving them diseases, then seeing how and when and the way they died, just for shits & giggles. Also Like neutering them to stop those they see as less than from propagating. I mean I am well aware of what is going on within the USA as far as with ICE, CBP & Homeland Security. And I have done my best to make a difference, Even with these right wing Nuts. So I am mad as Hell & will not take anymore! Period. I will go out Loving my fellow People who just want the Rights we all have from Birth. No Absolutely Not Privileges, Rights, Human Rights! Period. Just Saying Don
Now we are getting down to it Don! Look, in your writings could you lay your foot off the accelerator when it comes to God? It's an either/or: God either exists or 'he' doesn't. If 'he' does, then nothing you, me or anyone else says is going to alter that. Further, if 'he' is all knowing then 'he' is going to be perfectly aware that just because my mind was incapable of encompassing 'him' doesn't make me a bad person or unworthy of 'his' grace.
In the meantime, what about some energy devoted to the conversion of others to your vision of the social etc injustices you so eloquently identified above?
Take care Dave
I want to make an Apology! Nothing grand just a plain I am seeing just now what I have done in my defending my own position that has offended some. Period. So I am sorry, truly sorry for any 1 I have hurt with my own displays of Jackassery. Period. It is all on me. Don
Oh yeah I will be better.
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