When will you care


To the man who thinks she's just a game

You don't realise she's living in so much pain

In a world where society takes over your mind

She was just hoping you'd be the one to be kind

But you don't care 

As long as you can pull her hair

She would go home and cry 

At your little white lie

She would struggle to trust

She thinks every man just wants her for her bust

But you don't care

As long as you can pull her hair

She thinks every man is like you

Even some of her friends too

You broke down her heart and ripped it with your claws

Now when she looks in the mirror she only sees her flaws

She thinks your gone and out of her head

Until next week your back in her bed

But you don't care

As long as you can pull her hair

But what if she met a man

And he wasn't like you

He would sit back and listen 

And cook for her too

You would be upset

And feel Like she disobeyed your trust

You only want her for one thing

Which is her bust

She would let every nice man go

To see if you would know

To see if you could tell 

How madly she's fell

In love with you

If only you knew

But you don't care as long

as long as you can pull her hair

You've broken her walls

You didn't even tell her the rules

Of your stupid little game

And what you'd gain

You'd make her depressed

While she lay in bed stressed

About if you really cared

And why she's being treated so unfair

She would wonder if she's worth it

She would think she's not perfect

She would wonder why she kept running back

Why you'd never text her back

What looks she lacks

Only when you thought you must 

Get some pictures of her bust

Why she couldn't be like the other girls

The one's with the curls

The one's that give you butterflies

When you look at the pictures and stare at their eyes

She scans the comments

To see if she's missed

Any other girls

That you have kissed

She would make an effort on her instagram

And hope you noticed 

But you don't care 

As long as you can pull her hair

What will you do when she's moved on

When she's finally gone

When she's realised the meaning of your game

When she just couldn't take anymore of the pain

Then you will care

Because you can't pull her hair

Because she'll never be there

When you finally realise she was never yours

When she's realised she's beautiful despite her flaws 

And when she's blocked all your calls

And built back up her walls

Then you will care.






  • Author: Chick (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: January 31st, 2021 13:20
  • Comment from author about the poem: I wrote this about my friend she's amazing and some boys don't see how beautiful she is to me... I didn't mean for that to rhyme haha πŸ˜‚
  • Category: Sad
  • Views: 57
  • Users favorite of this poem: Harlequin Hearts πŸ–€, Mads
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Comments +


  • Jerry Reynolds

    Sad read it is EF.

  • dusk arising

    Why did she choose to be with such a shmuck? Or was she forced into it at gunpoint or something. Hope she learns her lesson.

    • Chick

      I think sometimes people feel like they are stuck sometimes it’s not as easy just to leave

    • FredPeyer

      Well written ef, unfortunately there are many relationships where one partner has to endure much and is not able to leave for whatever reason. But mental and/or physical abuse is plainly wrong.

    • L. B. Mek

      indeed, how insightfully you unfurl the hypocrisy within a society that 'chimes' to our young lady's - 'in the making':
      'oh gal, he is only pulling your hair
      cause' he like ya...
      don't mind him none
      a smile is all he asking for...'
      then a decade later, they berate those same 'young ladies'
      with their judgemental words:
      ''gal, why you 'let him'
      treat you - like that?
      doncha kow - no better...''
      and they - are the wise words of the 'fairer sex',
      one can only guess at how distorted an interpretation of 'attraction' the 'other side' has developed...
      still, no excuses: 'some' men can make dirt look like gold dust,
      but please, know - a lot
      of 'good raw earth', is trampled on
      by those same women, who can't see those fertile grounds
      waiting patiently by their side, bored by the ease of accessibility and overzealous willingness,
      choosing instead - to tame, those wild 'mustang' key holders and their promise of a 'thrill' ride...

      forgive me for my uninvited sermon of a comment, I was inspired by your insightfully - well articulated depiction of a usually emotion addled subject...
      a brilliant write!
      thanks for sharing dear Poet

      • Chick

        Well put! And I agree 10000%

      • heatherbee

        Felt such sadness for your friend iv had friends in abusive marriages physical and mentally and it's so hard for them to see themselves as a victim it's just a relationship and we as a society excuse these people by not speaking of it. So well done you lovely words powerful.

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