Whu do you hate me?


Why do you hate me?

Is it my color, my sex, my faith, my worth or any other difference?

Do you need to hate?

Do you hate me because I believe the world is round?

That it revolves around the sun?

That dinosaurs existed?

Do you detest me because I think

That global warming is true?

That we are overpopulating the planet?

That religion is a good thing,

But should be personal and outlawed from the government.?

That if military spending

Was used in fighting diseases

All of them should be history?

That public servants,

From ushers to presidents

Should be liable for wrongdoings?

No unaccountability for anybody!

Do you despise me for being different?

For believing in science?

In Darwin?

In Einstein?

In the Big Bang?

Do you loathe me because I love

Baroque music, and jazz and tango and  Beatles and many others

And dislike the ones you like?

Do you abhor me because

My religion is other

My language is different

My eyes are of another color

The color and texture of my hair is different?

My skin is darker or lighter?

Do you hate love, or

Do you love hate?

Think well about why the hate, because

We all come to be in the same way

We all hurt when in Pain

All of us shed salty tears

We will all be gone sometime,

And in the end,

We all bleed in red.


Guillermo Conde

Ruvigliana, 2021

  • Author: GC (Offline Offline)
  • Published: July 12th, 2021 06:37
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 20
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  • Doggerel Dave

    You are a little bit of an enigma. I don’t know to whom you address this piece, but it certainly wasn’t me!
    As far as I can ascertain, you live in Switzerland. Not a reasonably tolerant place ?
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