Cast Long This Shadow Doubt


cast long this shadow doubt.

trachoma eyes for the darkness of my prose

shout tall and stall the tumble of the fleas

a straight knee chase

a cargo train for the transport of my seeds

desert spots on the swelling of my boil;


city lights brothelled in a breeze

a pedestal fan for the stalking of my heat

streaming the journey of the soil

as spoils three minutes of my sight.

enlighten the gulf of a bright tortilla wrap sex

vex the annoyance of the chrome;


an adopted child of a dysentary fibre.

am I a child in fibreglass form

or a viscount earl with a bondage brain

fondling the peaches from the slums

with my plum scented alcatraz in a hormone boot

kicking the surplus of my sums?


how bittersweet the grumbles of my cane

a miners chest of willows with a crooked shrimp

humping the cowbirds forming of a wing.

sing beneath the fortune of delight

bright tides on a severed monkeys tail

inhale and choke on the afterbirth of my ale!


be merry this berry of a butterfly blue

nest with the anger of my eggs.

cast long this shadow doubt.

trachoma eyes for the darkness of my prose

a black rose spit

as quickens our tasting of the wreath;














  • Author: Melvin James (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: July 24th, 2021 12:33
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 24
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