


One two three, more scars pile on my arms.

I hurt to awake myself, to swim to the top again.

Four five six, people say "I'm fine" but why would I self harm?

I can't describe other then suffocation, drowning, numb.

Seven eight nine, ah yes it is finally my time.

  • Author: 1000thoughts (Offline Offline)
  • Published: July 25th, 2021 22:38
  • Category: Sad
  • Views: 24
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  • 1000thoughts

    If this is how you feel know there are hot lines to call, rage books to make, and many other coping methods. Your never alone.

  • Doggerel Dave

    Me speak English......

    • 1000thoughts

      This comment gives me many mixed signals. So I do not know how to respond my apologies.

      • Doggerel Dave

        As your piece appears on my screen it appears as, quite possibly Greek - although I stand to be corrected. Now since the vast majority of poems which appear here appear in English.....
        Has that clarified the majority of the mixed signals you are receiving?

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