

Everyone always strives to define love,
but I don’t have to worry about that with you
I hear the crushed couple next door
screaming at each other
through the thin wall;
their passion transmuted
through frustration.
They are in love,
but not lovers;
their definition as distinct as a severe shadow
caused by their combined object blocking out the sun;
spitting in the face of joy is their love,
but the passion of your face is my joy,
Bird wings float in yellow sunshine,
your crimson heartbeat against mine.
Rules, restrictions & obligations define love;
being free from those, we have only crescendos,
Laughing at my Proustian reverie,
you’re my daydream in skinny jeans.
People may grow old in love,
but time is non-existent with you my lover.
We can have one, not the other
my love/lover

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  • iAli

    Wow ❣

  • Accidental Poet

    When two lovers are on the same page, their love is the definition of poetry. Beautiful write reb. 😉

    • rebmasters

      Thank you 🖤. I was contemplating whether having a lover was preferable to being in love, but perhaps, after all, they are one and the same

      • Accidental Poet

        Well, being in love with someone in my mind will always out weigh just having a lover you're not in love with. But that's just me. 😊

      • Saxon Crow

        Way too good Reb. When are you going to publish your work? Seriously

        • rebmasters

          Haha I'm not sure anyone would want to publish my amateur scribblings, but thank you so much. And after all, your encouragement is all I need 🖤

        • L. B. Mek

          'They are in love,
          but not lovers;
          their definition as distinct as a severe shadow'
          a wonderful analysis and dedication, gift-wrapped
          in spellbinding poetic imagery
          what a joy to read, dear poet
          thank you!

          • rebmasters

            Thank you my dear 🖤. Love may be elusive, but your lover can bring an overwhelming significance. A muse, a moment outside of time, unreal and therefore most real. They may be other, but love/lover can be one and the same

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