You and I


Notice of absence from HannahElisabeth
Taking a long overdue mental health vacation. I will check in when I can.

Never meant to collide

Just close enough in orbit

Just a passerby


They say all good things come to an end

And I can't help but feel

A sense of  running out of time

Out of sight

Out of mind


Am I only a memory?

A means to an end?


Broken hearts

Like shards of glass

You and I were never made to last

If only in my dreams


Fading memories fill these sheets

Empty pages of

the words I'll never speak

If only in my dreams


Fragile memory of  fragile memory

Just a reconsolidation

We were only made to last

In fragmentations

If only in my dreams     


The ghost of you still haunts me

Comes to taunt  me

 In my dreams

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Comments +


  • Coyote

    Very moving and well penned. A deeply personal piece yet totally relatable.

  • L. B. Mek

    (heartachingly relatable
    scars of a life, distilled
    beautifully poetic)

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