A man and a Woman married in Germany


For them in this moment it was hard to believe 
A ceremony so grand to put them at ease
 But even so it was hard to see
A man and a woman married in Germany

Though not every one shall be at peace for father was angry with disbelief
His hand clenched from what he's seen a man and a woman married in Germany

There they stood as time was slipping 
As the son shall soon be shipping 
For just more time they'll give anything
For a man and a woman married in Germany 

Tears roll down from mothers cheeks
Just as the tears from her boy's streams
She hopes now that he's at peace for a man and a woman married in Germany

Now that the priest has finish his speech
Together at last he shall be 
If he opened his eyes maybe he could have seen
A man and a woman married in Germany

  • Author: Maxpeguin (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 2nd, 2021 16:47
  • Category: Love
  • Views: 13
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  • Doggerel Dave

    Definitely exhibits poetic skill, but I have not the slightest notion of it's meaning.
    Welcome to MPS.

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