

Whilst bequeathed

are the grasping wealthy                             

with pilfered, false grandeur,

plundered and encumbered

are droves of working poor…


As the rancid wind

of wrongness rages

and fiercely blusters

in your faces,

arise, my brethren, arise,

effect its due demise,

for benumbed you’ve been for ages….

arise,  ye battered,  arise.

  • Author: Justice (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 4th, 2021 01:59
  • Category: Sociopolitical
  • Views: 13
  • Users favorite of this poem: Doggerel Dave
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  • Doggerel Dave

    I enjoyed a piece I can very much relate to. Great poetry.
    There’s some advice I’ve wanted to give for some time - only sure I’ll be contradicted:
    To pop up here with nothing but your work, no background either on your ‘Public Profile’ front page or on ‘Comments’ at the right hand side is frustrating for me, as a reader…;
    Welcome to MPS (Traditional MPS greeting) Please get into it and respond here and on other’s work – help make MPS dynamic and more lively than it is already..

    • Justice

      Thank you. It was very late last night when I posted, and prior to completing my profile, I fell asleep. For certain, my intention is to post, as well as read and comment on the work of others. Thank you for your feedback and have an awesome day!

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