Left Behind


Notice of absence from Harlem
I'll be back

I can ignore the blood under my feet

From glass, gravel, rocks, and concrete

No bigger pain can come to me

Than the one I've craved to leave behind

Covered in lines

My feet helped me to divide the times

In which I found myself abused, broken, and mistreated

Tap, tap, tap to run

I'm leaving a trail behind me

Needing the road to guide me 'til I'm gone

I can ignore the sharp pains and raw blood

The shadowed tears and snapped hugs in the cold

I can ignore swollen ankles and sliced feet

Foot pains on the concrete, blank stares from the ones I meet 

They'll never understand

Where I just ran from

My feet took me way further than any car could

I can ignore just about anything in sight

Because nothing compares to the hate that I left behind

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  • L. B. Mek

    our Roots, should never
    Define us - entirely
    butt, they do colour our Skin
    in that same shade, of inherited Suffering...
    still: like Your ink Sings
    dear, Visionary poet
    may it all come down
    to those Choices, we embrace
    in that Ugliness - of Life
    we simply Choose to Shed, as we Quest
    for that Better horizon
    Maya and Dunbar: bequeathed...
    (A poignant, well measured write
    dear Poet
    thank you! for choosing to share)

  • BJ Rose

    Very very good! Well done! I can't wait to see more you. Awesome! May you have a healthy journey in your growth! Amazing!

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