Brandie Osborn

She dances on a dark stage for a sold out crowd

Afraid someone might see her and leave her 

No one wants to be a part of the train wreck 

Just watch it as it happens or slowly pass up the wreckage

Getting a good enough look to have something to talk about

Far enough away they won't be asked for help 

She stands in the middle of the street screaming into a pillow

Everyone can see her but pass on by

  • Author: Brandie Osborn (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 12th, 2021 10:48
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 19
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  • Quijote

    Well your poetry is visible here and I didn’t pass on by.

  • Doggerel Dave

    Your first post.
    Where are you coming from with this?Looks like a good description of a psychotic episode to me.....
    Welcome to MPS (trad greeting here) Feel free to comment everywhere and keep MPS lively.

    • Brandie Osborn

      Thx words just pop into my head and I write them down

    • Doggerel Dave

      Keep 'em popping....

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