With Cloth and Clown


with cloth and clown

with after-born comes lifeless to the hybrid

to the geese of throbbing beauty on a starboard bow

migrating to-and-fro as taverns rave and rant and roar

warring hens christened without purpose to the crown

as climbs the Downs of pollen fractured seed of opium

half artichoke - half mute -

half penny to a whole man feeding sperm from cage to womb

to honour and exhume one being great as god

as great as wedlock hinges cold as string;

how far gone the days when once life treasured craft?

with cockrel, hen, with bulls blood running through the veins of ram horn, blows a wind

a winding wind as tall as Northern Star

stands silent through a weathered dust

from child to trinket

from trinket to a blood lost wrist

a scissored hand cuts deep beyond the comet of the eye

post-war past anticlimax as,

caged birds as aged venom whistles helpless as a beacon on a wing

hooked on absynth daffodil and kissed by Autumn feed

but green hands to the father of the plague

the frail limbs once of March Hare

now a wilderbeast as strong as skin is weak

kissing boneless with the grateful dead

as puppets dance a tango dressed as cigarette and pipe

still silent through a weathered dust, to silently reflect

from boy to man

from man to father of the plague

from mother to a cage where died my womb;










  • Author: Melvin James (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 22nd, 2021 04:23
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 35
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  • aDarkerMind

    thank you Teddy...
    and to think such a thing happened to you is something I can only guess as being a difficult time.

    and being compared with Tarantino....a comment I will enjoy for a very long time.
    as kind as always;
    Thank You;

    • aDarkerMind

      yes I do Teddy.....
      all of which puts poetry a very distant second!
      am glad all is well now.

      to share such a story is a very special thing.

      my heart is with you x

      • aDarkerMind

        yes there is Teddy....
        and as much as we sometimes feel hard done by, even with sad stories to share, we are still here...
        but the lockdown will be with me always.
        as will be my grieving.
        life goes on.

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