Two Herds, Two Fates



first herd was the path
to get crowd immunity
get rid of COVID
second herd must live with it
now all in the herd get it

  • Author: John Richard Anderson (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 24th, 2021 00:01
  • Comment from author about the poem: Everything now comes down to how people deal with the inevitable increase in case numbers and deaths that will come with ‘living with’ COVID and opening up, even when most people are vaccinated. People had years and years to get used to influenza and its effects. This will be one of the first times people will be asked to accept deaths (and long term effects) from a new illness within a short number of years.
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 19
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  • Doggerel Dave

    I’ve tried hard not to comment on your piece here. This represents failure.

    You live in NSW Australia as do I. We are subject to the same political propaganda from both State and Federal Governments. Your proposition here to me represents the latest iteration of an attempt to hide these authority’s incompetence and need to open up the economy for the benefit of profits.

    We have been through ‘if it gets worse we may have to’ (reactive rather than proactive); bestows partial limited lockdowns only after the proverbial horse has bolted; ‘vaccine resistance’ (when demonstrably there weren’t enough vaccine available); attempt to reduce emphasis on number of infections and highlight number of vaccinations when now, belatedly, there is more supply.

    And now, to date ( there may be more cons to come) your proposition is attempting to gain traction. There are a couple of other States, who for their sake, I hope will never comply.

    • flyingfish

      I totally agree - this is the latest stuff being shoved at us - an ongoing increasing case load and deaths including people fully vaccinated. The simple reality for me is that I have to wear a mask and keep my distance from everyone, probably till I die, hopefully from other causes. The will to block its spread has gone. Best wishes, stay safe, my friend in NSW. PS I am fully vaccinated. Israel and UK show where we are headed, unfortunately.

      • Doggerel Dave

        And you stay safe too. I'm really glad it happened now rather than when I was young, needy and randy.
        Though a little closeness and touch from my lady wouldn't come amiss....

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