Man and Woman

chandan chatterjee


You are  Woman, I am a Man

For our child, I am the father, you are the mother.


Your heart is as soft as a flower

My outside is hard.


When you cry, people see tears

When I cri, it’s like a waves of the sea that tornado my mind.


I light the lamp by the matchstick,

You save that light behind your hand.


Lakshmi lives at home for you,

Happiness comes to our family for me.


I Construct  house, you cherished it,

You see dream, I implement  it.


The house where you are not present, is restless, helpless,

The house where I am not present  is not a safe haven.


The End

  • Author: chandan chatterjee (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 28th, 2021 06:12
  • Category: Family
  • Views: 7
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  • Doggerel Dave

    A clear expression of traditional roles in troubled times.
    Thanks for your truth.

  • chandan chatterjee

    Thanks a lot

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