The Darkest Place

Saxon Crow

The darkest place I go is you
Because you only tell me truth
The only time I'm truly content
Is when I'm powerless and blue

  • Author: Saxon Crow (Offline Offline)
  • Published: September 10th, 2021 00:19
  • Comment from author about the poem: .... But its also the lightest place......
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 35
  • Users favorite of this poem: Accidental Poet
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  • dusk arising

    An honest friend is a sweet place to go.

    • Saxon Crow

      Tis true. But today's little presentation feels like pretentious ramblings lol

      • dusk arising

        Well if its any consolation, the pianist in the piece i posted today was pure figment of imagination and i was sat watching telly not under a tree turning to autumn gold..... but WTF if we poets cant do pretentious ramblings which entertain.... i mean..... what else have we got.
        You tell anyone I said any of this and i'll get the bird scarer out.

        • Saxon Crow

          No oooooo. Not the bird scarer! Anything but that. My beak is sealed. Primary wings honour

        • Doggerel Dave

          To be powerless in a relationship is for me the best place to be. When I make myself vulnerable the truth and depth of the relationship is seen clearly, then I am secure if I want to be.

          I hope that makes sense. It is what I got from your piece today, Sax.

          • Saxon Crow

            Glad you got something from it Dave. I think i was just being subjective though. It was just something penned with no real conscious thought to its meaning

            • Doggerel Dave

              Come on...get yourself together, Sax.

              • Saxon Crow

                Dave, chill man.

                • Doggerel Dave

                  I'm ice cool , Mate..

                • Caring dove

                  It made me think of the blue daytime sky and the nights sky . Lovely words ....

                  • Saxon Crow

                    Yay. Thanks Rose

                  • Caring dove

                    Within the nights sky we might feel vulnerable and bare .... just what your words made me think of . Sometimes we write things but we’re not sure what we mean at the time ,

                    • Saxon Crow

                      Very true. But your perspective on this just goes to show me where you are in yourself as a person. It's lovely to see

                    • Saxon Crow

                      Thanks Teddy πŸ™‚

                    • L. B. Mek

                      a wonderful shorty
                      'darkness is a child of light, quicker we realise it
                      sooner we get to search for that light, giving it life...'

                    • Neville

                      this is the same colour as the underside of a ravens wing ... residing in the shadows, very dark indeed ...............

                      but of course, you already know that .... top marks n a gold star sir S C ................ Neville πŸ™‚

                    • Accidental Poet

                      If truth were easily seen in the light, many would not look close enough at the truth. But truth in the darkness requires one to look closer and understand the truth for what it is.

                      • Saxon Crow

                        And that's the truth!

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