Ghana The Grief House

Patrick Godwin

Ghana the grief house
She mourns and grieves of pervasive putrescence in her abode.
Oh, see how bribery and corruption have overshadowed her tranquillity and peace
And the anguish her treacherous inhabitants have abandoned her to bear.
A land where power drunk leaders and politicians are only obsessed with unending affluence
And flattering political talk has become the order of the day. 
Deviating from the aspirations and visions envisaged by our forefathers,
Our leaders are obtrusively engrossed in the amassing of wealth
Leaving the deprived and minority to their own melancholic fates.
Oh Ghana, until when shall her grief cease.
Until when shall we be heedless of our imminent bane
And direct our strengths and synergies to the cause of her dream, 
To grant her a soothing respite.

  • Author: Patrick Godwin (Offline Offline)
  • Published: October 7th, 2021 08:56
  • Comment from author about the poem: This poem speaks volumes about how Ghana and for that matter many African countries continue to suffer after independence as a result of inefficient and ineffective leadership.
  • Category: Sociopolitical
  • Views: 8
  • Users favorite of this poem: L. B. Mek
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  • L. B. Mek

    My Brother!
    It's so easy to forget,
    when the Imperialist's, first approached
    it was that Greed, of Trade
    not that Fear, of Hate
    that helped curate, our beloved Africa's: Fate...
    and Yes
    more than half a Millennium, later
    its that same Corrosive Mindset
    that weakens our continent, to its very knees
    time n again, every opportunity its gifted, to take a step Forward.
    There's a reason our sands are Red, my Kin
    its from those Deep seeping Crimson stains,
    of all the accumulated bloodied Tears,
    that our despairing Mothers have spilled...
    'Arise Africa: We Wait
    with our calloused, rusted
    Hopeful Heart's;
    Forgive and Move Forward: We Beg
    let those Chains of History
    no longer, stifle
    Our Children's futures, for a Change...!'

    L. B. Mek
    9:29am, 8/10/2021
    (thanks for sharing and inspiring my little scribbled reply,
    These rushed/instinctive words, may end-up
    as being the very best thing I'll ever write!
    and for this unexpected gift, you've provided me
    I sincerely, humbly: thank you!
    we may be from either end of the continent, but we speak: as one
    my brother)

    • Patrick Godwin

      Thanks Mek for your compliment and sentiment. I think it is time we rally behind our countries and put our political frailties to bed for the well being of our country

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