[ Authentic ]

Heart of Babel

I couldn’t survive

A pretending love

Where you’re never good enough

And always being judged

Trying to keep your peace

Choosing to bite your tongue

Even when ice and fire

Burns you just because


Now some may ask you how

How you let it go so long

How you stayed within the toxin

Of another person’s wrongs

But there isn’t a real answer

It’s not like you were strong

Just waiting and hoping

For the light to finally dawn


And it would never rise

And it would never shine

The way you hoped it would

In some manner of time

Just swallowing the anguish

All while trying hard to find

That everything would be better

And we would be just fine


If there’s one thing love knows

It’s how to sacrifice

It can put its life on hold

Or let it be paralyzed

It would release its soul

Just to greet its own demise

And do it all again

If the chance ever arrived


Because love doesn’t seek its own

It’s not a thing so petty

It is filled to the brim

Not running empty

No needs in demand

It is willing and ready

To share of itself

When the world is turning deadly


And far too often

As you may have well learned

That death is the response

The world often returns

And You could let it change you

And no longer draw concern

Yet love speaks in silent resonance

To what your heart truly yearns


You refuse to live by feelings

You want to live by faith

For love is that element

Love is that place

Love is the form

The essence and shape

That your entire being

Holds longing which to take


Love was not made to survive

It was made to expose

Cracking and breaking

And drawing you close

Changing your life

Transforming the soul

Becoming authentic

In a world of false hope


© GaratheDen

© HeartOfBabel

  • Author: Garathe Den (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: October 18th, 2021 17:41
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 29
  • Users favorite of this poem: L. B. Mek
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  • HangingbyaHalo

    “ If there’s one thing love knows

    It’s how to sacrifice

    It can put its life on hold

    Or let it be paralyzed

    It would release its soul

    Just to greet its own demise

    And do it all again

    If the chance ever arrived”

    I read this over and over and those line gut checked me each time. Beautifully written.

    • Heart of Babel

      Thank you, they were definitely lines that carried much weight for me as well. Thank you for letting me know of their impact!

    • L. B. Mek

      these two verses, are my favourite from all your very best, and definitely worth quoting again in the comments:
      'If there’s one thing love knows
      It’s how to sacrifice,
      It can put its life on hold
      Or let it be paralyzed,
      It would release its soul
      Just to greet its own demise,
      And do it all again
      If the chance ever arrived

      Because love
      doesn’t seek its own, It’s not a thing so petty
      It is filled to the brim
      Not running empty,
      No needs in demand
      It is *ever willing and ready,
      To share of itself
      When the world is turning deadly...'
      (thanks for choosing to share, your poetic brilliance,
      it's a privilege to read your work)

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