Booth made famous on April 15th, MDCCCLXV...


Sic semper tyrannis ad mortem
("Thus always I bring death to tyrants").


Ever since early forerunners

of twenty first century
mankind (sprinted

across trackless expanse extant
upon planet Earth),

modern Homo Sapiens essentially
won out as coterie precursors

sans predominant
present day team of rivals.

The zigzag line,

whence our arboreal ancestors
skedaddled their way

toward capital one delineation
of diehard deadheads

dogging disaster, and acquiring
dubious distinction

decreeing domain of oblate spheroid
as prime real estate,

(when Prometheus fire privy to proto
humans), the imperceptible

figurative ink did not dry
before hairy hooligans

edged out other prehensile primates.

Enfant Terrible employed

as an analogy for punctuated
equilibrium witnessing

boom rang amidst feral creatures
unpredictably crowing

with nirvana seeking

foo fighting fecundity
(inadvertently in sync

with Feng Shui)

to launch scrappy
posse of measly mensch

kinsmen/women into the realm.

This phenomena countless

thousands of years since
inception of brutal, nasty

and short present day troglodytes.

With the aid

of an imaginary crystal ball,

the seeds of White Lily got borne

via Aery windy gusts jet setting
most “advanced” pygmy beasts

as animalistic bellwether
per future adventure,

whence many anthropological
opposable thumbed volumes

yet written till present
deadly crossroads

announced ruthless Reichstag.

Credos, codas, diktats

governing infantile Messerschmitt
Sol Invictus yet unnamed role

as most dangerous living
beings known to exist

unwittingly usurped grandiose
nom de plume as Master

predicating their survival on
brawn and brains

to public enemy number one
to all other life forms.

As the fittest (at least

when accident found tendency
to crowdsource),

the mob mentality already evident as
hyena cackles quickly garnered

rubric of might equals
right), thus grabbing

by force of strong arms (fingers
clutching deadly lances)

top prize as sovereign
dictators of the Proletariat).

Over the course of millennia,

they became de
facto dominant species.

The evolutionary descendents

metamorphosed into bipedal hominids

of recent mankind did not monkey
around when competing in the Human Race.

They elbowed, jostled,

and ousted competitors eventually
to ascend inexorably their way

to top tier of totalitarianism.


Great indomitable naked apes

of early simian evolution,
would not settle for any role

except top banana in
hierarchical schema

of biota extant throughout nascent
dawn of civilization.

Violence with whatever

material at hand vanquished any
threat to world wide webbed domination

sans existence at dawn of civilization.

Closer to late morning
and high noon tall tale ushered
vanity viz venal, vicious,
vocal Tarzans, 10,000 Maniacs,
and voodoo worshippers
blitzed like banshees.

Literal face saving

each manikin for himself

(gnome hatter

whether blood pact swore)

bludgeoned, hoodwinked,
and whipped warriors wary warlocks

fought tooth nail to death.

One instant found a bald

(ah that explains receding heir line)

bandied legged bestial macho tree

swinging sportsman
brazenly boasting bona fide.

Well guess what ma friend?

That sure-footed

geico hunter met bloody death
on an empty stomach

without the aid
of fast food restaurants.

His purported blood brothers abandoned him
(at dropped née hurled clump of offal)
as dependent and reliable brethren.

No such thing

as gentlemen’s agreement ruled virgin
terra firmae.

Amidst warren of primates,

a promise quickly broached
instantaneously after pledging allegiance

to a pseudo fraternity.


  • Author: poet2rhyme4tommorrow (Offline Offline)
  • Published: October 29th, 2021 14:39
  • Category: Sociopolitical
  • Views: 10
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