
Samer Amin




In the stillness of the night, 




your eternal voiceless voice is still calling so loudly.




Calling mutely in the immense emptiness of my heart that contains nothing,




except for its black void.




The black void that has united with the depressing misty night sky from the very beginning.




Your unfathomable voice is always there,




calling at my soul which was consigned to the realm of oblivion.




The realm of oblivion that reigns over the dejected streets of the night.




Your indecipherable voice is always there,




calling through the unfathomable messages of your incomprehensible essence.




The incomprehensible essence that always stirs the stillness of the black waves of the night.




The black waves that engulf the face of the existence with their gloomy darkness.




Your puzzling messages always subdue the subservient limitations of my mind.




Whereas, they are still deeply addressing the fundamental core of my being.




My true existence that feels hypnotized,




whenever your occult messages reveal the mysteries of the wonderland to my forsaken heart.




The wonderland that cannot be found except in the other dimensions.




The other dimension that inhabits the boundless void of the black waves that flow at night.




The wonderland that belongs to the long-forgotten original light of life.




The light of life that does not abandon the silent cry,




in the immense void of my heart that contains nothing.





  • Author: Samer Amin (Offline Offline)
  • Published: November 1st, 2021 10:37
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 17
  • User favorite of this poem: Sun may shine.
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