Your Wintry Breath

Samer Amin




Your gentle singing holds all the mesmerizing secrets of the dark wintry nights.




The dark wintry nights that dwell in the depths of our united souls.




The dark wintry nights whose soulful calling never fails to invite our yearning souls all over the year.




The cloudy wintry nights that take pride in wearing their soulful attire.




Their thick, fluffy, weeping, cloudy clothes during our meeting at night.




The cloudy winter nights that take my breath away,




whenever your breath covers the windows of our meeting places with its sweet mist.




The magical fog that hides the dark melancholy deserted streets from my vision.




The entrancing vapor that navigates through the somber nights when you sing.




The somber nights that reveal their mysteries,




whenever I gaze deeply into the enchanting charm of your captivating hazel eyes.




Your hazel eyes that tell about the enigmatic sad stories of the dejected weeping winter.




The weeping winter whose tears are able to stain the walls of the desolate stately villas.




The walls that witness the gathering of the dancing flowers,




when they dance to the beat of your spellbinding singing.




The fascinating songs that are able to bring the winter back,




and clean with their tears the bleeding wounds of my soul.




My lifelong pains that are no longer able to find a place in my heart,




whenever the mist of your sweet singing breath,




reshapes the gloom of our meeting places and our old streets.

  • Author: Samer Amin (Offline Offline)
  • Published: November 4th, 2021 14:24
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 22
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  • Charles_newOwner

    A nice poem that expresses the care, features on has! Very nice!

    • Samer Amin

      Thank you so my Elijah! Your precious appreciation means a lot to me to say the lest.

      • Charles_newOwner

        Anytime my fellow poet!

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