

God is exalted because He is king;

Let His word always ring;

His son Jesus died for our sins;

He will embrace you in all things;

Believe in Him and his Son, for they are the exalted Ones.


  • Author: Cbdave (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: November 25th, 2021 03:38
  • Category: Spiritual
  • Views: 12
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  • dusk arising

    LOL your OCD is showing again. I see you're still not reading other peoples poetry on here. Obviously you're just using it as a platform to display your disorder.

    • cbdave

      Just because I write Christian poetry does not mean I have OCD. I am a born again Christian who owes my life to Jesus.You do not like Christians because you lash out at people who believe in someone that you cannot see.
      Obviously you only believe in yourself and you want anyone who is different from you to stoop to your beliefs if you have any at all. Sorry, I believe in God and Jesus an I always will.

      • dusk arising

        Well there you go, so narrow minded that you assumptions pour out. Your calling the christian god a 'someone' dear me, a tad disrespectful, a 'someone'.
        I do happen to believe in god but not that christian myth you have bought into. I have made no suggestion that you 'stoop' to or adjust to my beliefs..... your soured imagination is running away with you.
        You appear to have OCD because you have only written christian mumbo-jumbo poetry. Not a mention of the beautiful world around us or many other subjects...all ignored by you in your output. You dont read other poets posts on here... how selfish of you. You have the aura of a typical holier than thou patronising amateur preacher trying to spout enough rhetoric to please himself.

      • 2 more comments

      • orchidee

        It's a true write to me. 🙂
        Some may think we're brainwashed. But for 'x' years?! How many years since we first believed, that is.

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