The Tele-visions In Their Televisions

Garth Rakumakoe

For the tele-visions in their televisions

we gave the shirts off our backs

and traversed into that sunset

of a never ending night-time

neither of us have yet to return from

of native echoes long lost

with the mutters to their songs

of who they once were

and the empty cattle kraals heralding

herds traded for false reflections

that since followed the sun

to its eternal slumber


The ashes of the dead campfire

ponder the return of the nomad

who left awander in seek

of the oasis that once germinated

the very roots of his being

and the wisdom of his elders


If only we could learn to read

and follow the stars

like we did before, surely

the cradle still longs our rebirth

Awaiting that reclamation, longing

our own homecoming

Surely then, the night

will abandon these tele-visions

and greet the sun again, to become

our eternal compass

and timekeeper

  • Author: Garth Rakumakoe (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: November 25th, 2021 04:34
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 26
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  • Caring dove

    You certainly have an interesting way with words ! I liked the read 🙂

    • Garth Rakumakoe

      Oh, thank you, kind yellowrose 🙂

    • Neville

      you should pen another along similar lines & we could make it into a televised serial ... joking aside .. this was both intriguing and compelling my friend .... Neville

      • Garth Rakumakoe

        Hahahahahaha, nice one my friend :-)... Thank you. Very much appreciated.

      • L. B. Mek

        'who left awander *seeking
        the oasis that once germinated
        the very roots of his being
        and the wisdom of his elders

        If only we could learn to read
        and follow the stars
        like we did before, surely
        the cradle still longs our rebirth'..
        (this just beautiful, dear Poet
        a hymn for the losses
        we accumulate, in trying
        to distance ourselves
        from the bloodshed, stains
        in our collective: heritage...)
        when will it end
        this cyclical need, to differ
        from one generation, to the next
        imprinting our foreshadowing, mistakes
        for our next generations, pitfalls
        of neglect
        and far - too, belatedly realised: regret...

        • Garth Rakumakoe

          You wrapped your brilliant mind around it so well, L.B. You really take it apart in a beautiful way... "Collective heritage". A pivotal phrase there. I thank you, kindly, a million times over.

        • Paul Bell

          There must be a generation who only know life online. This will be the same generation who have never seen the countryside, think milk comes from supermarkets, and will probably die watching the telly. That sure is so sad, but it is what it is.

          • Garth Rakumakoe

            I couldn't help but laugh at the line "will probably die watching the telly"... But yah, I totally get you. It is what it is sir.

          • spilleronsheet

            What perfect lines
            Tells me stop binge watching and wander and get lost at different sites
            Good one dear poet

            • Garth Rakumakoe

              Thank you fellow Poet. Much appreciated.

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