A circle of confusion


A circle draws upon itself 

standing by the shore

watching the horizon next 


somethings not to liking 

yet essential enough 

should the process matter 

or the final destination 

all set 

circle of confusion draws upon itself 


the words sound bitter 

the efforts too hard 

every moment is liking drowning 

yet one day, shall  laugh upon next 

why worry for the process 

maybe the goal seems big itself 

circle of confusion draws upon itself 



insults and critics heard around 

the heart deprives the ground 

the brain tells to retreat 

yet in the name of big picture 

one wishes to linger itself 

circle of confusion draws itself 


wish to surrender 

yet a dream of childhood 

is it worth to stay

stay in hard arena itself 

circle of confusion draws upon itself 


some loops never end 

some circles never open 

some knots untied remains 

to those circles 

see the rectangles of vision 

to those confusion 

watch the stars 

fixing the glaze on the vision itself



circle of confusion rests upon itself 

when rectangle be drawn 

the eraser of fate

shall diminish the circle soon….

  • Author: spilleronsheet (Offline Offline)
  • Published: December 14th, 2021 12:26
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 28
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  • woundedheart

    What goes around comes around just like fashion every 30yrs or so the mini skirt returns. Love theme very thought provoking and deep.

    • spilleronsheet

      Wow what an analog you gave
      So true
      Thanks a lot
      Glad you liked it
      Some dilemmas that stay with us
      I call them circles of confusion

    • Vamsi Sudha

      Circle of Confusion !! What a wonderful correlation.

      Circles don't end, but you can surely come out of the circle with your centrifugal force of optimism.
      So break the the centripetal force of confusion and its time, to see the life beyond the Circle of Confusion.

      Amazing write and your poem touches the depths of your inner core. !! Thanks Spiller !!

      • spilleronsheet

        Thanks a lot dear Vamsi
        You often see through me
        And the best part is that there is a strong advise that makes me keep going
        What a wonderful way you gave the advice
        The circle of centrifugal optimism
        Loved the solution which is scientifically true as well
        Thanks a ton dear Vamsi

      • Rozina

        So very true that some problems go round and round, never seem to end leaving us confused and down. Yet others are resolved quite simply! Great lines.

        • spilleronsheet

          Thanks a lot dear Rosina for your kind comments and appreciations.

        • Paul Bell

          I suppose the greatest circle is the one we live on. This brings wonderment, and at times, total confusion, but would we have it any other way.

          • spilleronsheet

            That’s a different perspective
            Thanks dear Paul for adding this depth

          • Neville

            as we journey along this rocky path we must learn to take the rough with the smooth .. a mighty fine poem to read and reflect upon .. full marks from me my friend ....... N x

            • spilleronsheet

              Thanks a lot Neville
              Added to my score
              Now this is my first full marks at poetry

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