Broken dreams

Jade Wolf

In the alley

Behind the diner

Between garbage cans

And stray cats

Cigarette butts

And broken glass

There's a whole world

Of broken dreams...

  • Author: Jade Wolf (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: December 20th, 2021 05:53
  • Category: Sad
  • Views: 15
  • Users favorite of this poem: L. B. Mek, dusk arising
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  • L. B. Mek

    as important
    as it is eloquent, a great write!
    (an issue
    that we lucky few, need
    to be reminded of, especially
    at this - gifting, Time of year
    'let us share
    our empathy, as we do
    our wallets...')

    • Jade Wolf

      Yes, yes... that empathy... without it the wallets we share mean nothing.

    • dusk arising

      Great 'gritty side of life' poetry.

      • Jade Wolf

        Thanks 🙂

      • Paul Bell

        Probably not just the diner, either, the gutter is never faraway in the land of broken dreams.

        • Jade Wolf

          Sadly yes..

        • Jade Wolf

          Thats exactly what i wanted this piece to convey... "the other side of the coin"... everybody is so wrapped up in themselves that nobody even stops to think about those who live that life... people throw them a few coins or old clothes and think its done... but no, they still suffer.. they still dream.. just like we do... but their dreams just get smothered and choked inside their heads...

        • Draven

          I love this!! I have such a picture in my mind from these words. Well done

          • Jade Wolf

            Im glad you like it 🙂

          • KRWonder

            A lovely though sad brevity with powerful words. You’ve uniquely captured an entire world in this.

            • Jade Wolf

              Thank you so much for liking it 🙂

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