Nocturnal Mystery (+1)

Kurt Philip Behm

The sun is down

and you’re standing on the platform all alone

with night

that friend who never questions…

But dawn is looming

with its predictable answer

never asking what went on before

 as you stand there and wonder…

Does all confusion surrender to the darkness

or is there but one confusion

wherein your mind is set free

to rush through the empty spaces and moments…

Looking beyond what your eyes betray

  you sit down at the back of the platform

and open your journal

while closing your eyes…

New words to be told

no time to be old

one truth to behold

—and write


(Fairmount Park: December, 2015)



At War


Alone with his memories,

sleep would not come

The minutes, the hours,

time’s haunting begun

Together reliving

each choice made in vain

His will and his conscience

—in conflict again


(The New Room: December, 2021)

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  • Draven

    Nice poems 🙂

  • L. B. Mek

    I never blame people
    for endlessly, seeking distractions
    alternative being
    relentlessly seeking, second chances...
    (A write I relate with
    at such an intimate level, dear poet
    great wording as well)
    just in case
    let me take this opportunity
    to wish you and your loved ones
    a very Merry festive season
    and a peaceful, New Year
    Thanks for sharing
    all your great reads!

    • Kurt Philip Behm

      Thanks LB, I always look forward to your reading.

      The best of the holidays.


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