riddles on the wind


in the desolate
          solitary hours
    when fear trickles down my spine

  time is my jailor
    closing me behind its doors
              isolating my heartbeats
        distant from yours

  drips following a storm
      ping a pattern of rubies
                upon my flesh
    heat carved runes
          tell of lovers set aside
      long ago

  riddles on the wind
answers unfound
  my present twists
    into a knotted conflagration
          hotter than before

voices from the past rise
          and resonate:
    ‘your heart-pain
          bleeds from your words

  that love is the umbrella
        under which these wounds fester
              is that much worse

    untangle your heart-threads
      from their prison bars
        the landscape of your life
                must evolve

          immerse yourself
                    and know freedom’

          my quest begins now
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Comments +


  • Caring dove

    Great poem ))

  • orchidee

    Good write GD.

  • L. B. Mek

    firstly, great title!
    and you can so easily tell, how much work
    you've put into your word choices and layout
    thanks for sharing
    and Happy New year!
    loved these lines
    ' riddles on the wind
    answers unfound
    my present twists
    into a knotted conflagration
    hotter than before

    voices from the past rise
    and resonate:

    your heart-pain
    bleeds from your words'

    • GardenDelights

      Thanks so very much for your thoughtful and helpful feedback!

    • spilleronsheet

      Depth curled in fingers of time
      A magic created by the words you wove
      What a spectacular title it took
      Merging the intricacies of life
      Philosophy hitting hard in every line
      Well crafted dear poet
      Thanks for sharing

      • GardenDelights

        Thank you very much for your time and helpful feedback...much appreciated!

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