Let It Go

Timothy Michael Douget

let it go
let go desires hath not
any favor for thy self or soul
thy desires corrupt
they darken the light within
spoils the love of thy soul
for what thy desire lulls man
and when he recieveth embellishes thy ego
and then become dark at heart
surely hence your soul the love within
will forsaken thy folly
and all whom matter to you
will see within thine eyes
the darkness that corupteth
so let it go, let go of thy desires
hence your cup be filled with love and light
and your life without any plight.
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  • dusk arising

    Reads like one more text of confusion from biblical times.... or do you actually talk like that?

    • Timothy Michael Douget

      lol no but i like it in my poetry at times. I study archeology, love Shakespeare and my faith is spirituality

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