Ezer kenegdo

Florin Dragoș Minculescu


The physicist says:

Variabile electric fields,

Creates variabile magnetic fields,

And the variable magnetic fields,

Creates variabile electric fields,

And so on.


Atoms are dancing,

Mass, charge and spin,

Are names of the tango of being, 

Through which the tissue and blood are formed,

So that the life can rush to it's end,

For so on can go on.


The philosopher says:

The beauty, the awe and love,

Creates the meaning,

And meaning creates

The beauty, the awe and love

And so on.


Logos is dancing,

Bodies, existence and purpose,

Are names of the tango of being,

Through which the tissue and blood

are becoming aware,

So that the consciousness becomes aware of itself..,

For so on can go on. 


Nothingness says nothing.

The Universe, just like a sparkle of light,

Is floating for less than a moment,

Into the majesty of Nothingness. 

You still think you're some thing,

To be afraid of no thing?

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  • L. B. Mek

    damn wish I had the time to unpack this poetic worded tapestry, portrait
    of all-things theorised: sans
    referencing everything
    from Logos, to Nothingness
    with Philosophical
    Atom's, tango Dancing
    on the whims, of guessing mind's
    and there electric fields
    of yearning, vehemence
    to unfurl life's metaphysic, meaning
    in but a blink, of a life
    where some 3000 years
    of greater mind's, of laboured
    of toiled-over wisdom
    has yet to even amount
    to us finding, the right
    (simply Brilliant!)
    humbly, I read and learn
    dear, thinker Supreme

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