Reviewing mine writings of yore...


(today February nineteenth

two thousand and twenty two)

helps me to become more adept

crafting literary endeavors.


Remembrance of past circumstances

and/or happenstances,

which trials and tribulations

(particularly warm fuzzy memories)

brings to cobweb riddled mind

a quaint uncomplicated existence,

where childhood excitement arose

simply acquiring library card,

thenceforth selecting choice books


idling away leisure hours
mainly during twelve week long

summer school break
blissfully reading away,
the closest approximation
one strawberry blond Unitarian lad
experienced seventh heaven.


Ever since ability to read taught me

courtesy mother dearest,
I (when a happy go lucky little boy)

found pleasant escape
thru webbed wide world

of mine imagination

insync with printed words on page

which aforementioned attestation

declaration, habituation, mention,

situation, and zonation

bred fervent quest to quench

insatiable thirst for knowledge.


Fast forward when yours truly

experienced emerging adulthood,
upon which stage of mein kampf,

he began to cobble, dabble, scribble...

crafting poems about hardscrabble
emotional life challenges in Lake Wobegon
(I tip figurative hat to Garrison Keillor).

These averred literary endeavors wrought

usually comprising about dozen lines

cautiously, deliberately, extemporaneously,
noisily, obviously painstakingly keyed

courtesy Underwood typewriter brand

qwerty alphanumeric character arrangement

visualize index finger accessing
sought after hunt and peck method.


I exerted mental effort,

(and still put creative juices

thru their paces) to apply

words and punctuation

application of colon
and semi; colon quite nettlesome

resident with the English Language.


Upon espying a signature poem of mine
forces unleash mental processes

(triggering gears and cogs

to turn slowly within noggin)

scrutinize early feeble

linkedin with pervasive pre

ponder ring lurking predilection
tib hush anonymous re: dears

(dares) adventuresome mettle

taking him/her to the brainy

(briny) deep brink Icon fess this


(NON FAKE) pretense,

why aye metaphorically express

courtesy medium of ordinary

Anglophile alphabetic wonton poetrysoup,

or figurative egg drop bubbling broth

(el) doth brew) pronouns Sibyl affectation

affliction sans plethora,

where each ladle full adrip with

richly flavor Times New Roman
Font size twelve

sincerely textured vocabulary.

  • Author: poet2rhyme4tommorrow (Offline Offline)
  • Published: February 20th, 2022 09:31
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 7
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