Daylight Savings Time – March 13th, 2022


A long time graduate courtesy

Hard Knocks alum,
once again yours truly

posts reasonable rhyme
about shortest day of the year.


Two o'clock Ante Meridiem

nostri Jesu Christi
hour hand clock

sprung forward sixty minutes

round about same of month

every year, what a bum

er, an inconvenient truth

diverged from this chum

purposelessly manipulating a hold over
sans yesteryear doth drum


a sensation of jet lag

(with earth in the balance)

as if flying within time machine

at warp speed from

this station, where bumpy ride

invariably finds me
feeling a bit ticked off and glum
and in no mood to rhyme,

nor be leer re: cull
juiced barely tantamount

to gather scattered wits
sin tide, and express mood as hoe hum

fortunate, this chronological
seismic shift nada wide, ah assume

nonetheless, mein kampf
cerebral hemispheric plate tectonics
comb pluck hated off jangling
black keys helplessly boom

fancifully drifting and boring
into quick ribald sand trap doom
ming an inducement for
emergency convoy, when pitched from
sea to figurative shining sea –
gram ma mother earth glum,
where live yik yak
(paddy whacked) wired vanguard

trulia tried optimism to hum

nonetheless, swallowed down
cream mated behavioral sink
her inert ashes boxed for mo urn eternity

like talcum powder went – me mum
bling bloviation, once
worth matchless peerage,
now pitched comfortably numb

lee into morass of temporary

confusion, where plumb
line delineating circadian rhythm offset,
when athwart pilot rum

man strait ting and bickering with

Gulliver's swiftly traveling

Lilliputians slum

bring within islets

of langerhans defiantly thumb

ming nose, where body, mind & soul

vampire weeknd viz a bully did cower
hence mister clock, who got

hijacked 3600 seconds per hour
experienced head, thorax and abdomen

diminishing in min (ute) power

wrought indistinguishable

Whitsuntide as sour
grapes imposing ill fitting sea legs,
which folded like a faulty tower
crumbling skeletal carapace,
resoundingly grudgingly surrendered,
and back slid vis a vis American express
hiz fashionably late opinion
regarding space/time

continuum did devour

hypothetically yours truly
wallows, pinwheels, flails...
doubling over into singularity
attaining infinite mass

enroute to encounter blessed cosmic lord.

Black hole event horizon indeed
kept lock step as das joint mill hoard

sucker punched the REO bandwagon
of father time, whose riffs a silent chord
nsync with atomic fractional second bored
quirky shenanigans toying with chronometers
counter point of view shifted
to oppose this minute accord.

  • Author: poet2rhyme4tommorrow (Offline Offline)
  • Published: March 12th, 2022 00:02
  • Category: Surrealist
  • Views: 9
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