Putting pen to paper,
because I feel I can't talk
I fear the overwhelming question,
Why don't I just walk?
When I mumble few thoughts,
I'm told I should be strong
but can't remember when I last was,
because its been too long
I bathe in the darkness that he casts me in
because I know when I speak, he always wins
Everyone believes that you are oh so great,
but in my heart I can't help but to feel some hate
I know I am foolish for sticking this out,
but I've been taught and conditioned that it's my only route
"Use your words, use your words", you say to me
but you never understand to just let me be
You taunt and follow me when you have something to say,
and this is how we end almost every day
Silent_Shay (
- Published: March 29th, 2022 15:18
- Category: Unclassified
- Views: 15
Sounds like a toxic person,
You don't have to stay, there is always a way, follow Gods lead, He will not lead you astray, He helps those who seek Him, He will give you refuge,shelter from the storm,.
This man you're with is not worth it, not your love or your tears, I know that I don't know you or your situation but I do know God,and He is Almighty, He will help you, just cry out to Him for help
Oh dear, ignore the religious nutter above.
Your dilemma comes through loud and clear. If you have children together then i can understand your hanging on to some degree but it is unlikely to improve and cannot be healthy for the little ones. If you don't have kids then grasp the nettle, this isn't going to improve if you are being beaten down all the time.
Hey, be real, you are a child of the universe. You have every right to be yourself and free from opression of any kind.
There are many discreet places/organisations you can goto who will welcome you and help you. You are not alone! Many have seen their way through this before you. Chin up. THere really is plenty of good love out there!
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