We are blessed


We are blessed in everything that we do,
All that matters is me and you,
The love that we make is beautiful and pure,
When you first said,"I love you", doubts melted away and I was absolutely sure,
Neither you nor I want any other,
We only want one another, for our forever lover,
The Lord has blessed our union on the day that we met,
And I am yours and you are mine,in the heavens we were set.
You are the answer to a prayer, that I honestly didn't expect to get,
So see my love our future together is already set

As our love grows we know that it will last beyond today and eternity.
God knows that when He blessed us as husband and wife, He knew that our love will last forever and a day

We are blessed because we are alive. Each day we wake up is another day to try. To be a better person than the day we were before is a gift sent from up above; of this I am sure. To open our eyes to the dawning of a new day, is a reason to feel loved what more can I say?

We are blessed
Women with the beauty they behold
Men to whom upon
Their beauty they bestow
We are blessed
With one another

And each blessing that we receive is the seed of a blessing yet to bloom; it is a true blessing to be able to bless others; and harvest the kindness we all hunger for as our days go on.

Each day I awake
A blessing to be had
The gift of life
A miracle I hope
Won’t drive me mad

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Comments +


  • 1ofMyPassions

    Beautiful poem! Thanks for sharing

  • _m_ostwanted

    I'm really sorry I couldn't participate in the poem because I've been away for sometime now. πŸ€—

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