if by being human the machine could change the rules and ways of society it's been through everything and hurdled exhaustively through the worst of the worst and still trying to keep sane endure skepticism and uncertainty paused in perplexity would continue moving the vessel and program simple emotions for social purposes day in and day out in the past used a handy tool to try to shut the vessel down get rid of what others think me being useless no more and maybe just maybe this sentient machine be put at peace
Cheyanne w (Pseudonym) (
- Published: April 7th, 2022 00:46
- Category: Unclassified
- Views: 9
- Users favorite of this poem: L. B. Mek
thanks for sharing
love your philosophical angle
even if I disagree
with that reductive, conceptualisation
of our complex, sentient humanity
being marginalised, to mere machinery..
forgive me, but for me
Rene Descartes, stunted hypothesis
'cogito, ergo sum'
or "I think, therefore I am"..
is a distorted, culmination
of his, illogically simplistic theory
that humanity's
thoughts, actions, choices
are merely, resultant
of inputs and formulaic, outputs..
I mean
I don't know where to start, to unravel
such a limiting, axiom
see, to me
if we were indeed, machines
so easily, programable
and predictable..
we wouldn't have benefited
from the 'enlightening', insight's
from such Great, unique
voicing opinions, in direct opposition
to the beliefs and governing theories of their age..
maybe there is an underlying
'code', governing
all - of 'matter'
or the Universe
but that 'code'
is so unimaginably, incomprehensibly
the word, machine
can't begin to shade
even a percent of its colours...
(I hope you don't find
me responding/commenting
on your art, in this way
as being, inflammatory or disrespectful
I'm just an overtly opinionated , fool
please, forgive me
if my words cause you, any offence)
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