Reaching Out


Why can't we just communicate?
I can write hundreds of poems in a day.
I can communicate clearly with the world.
But with you I just can't.
We didn't need words once.
Now words aren't even enough.
I delete everything I write.
I choke with nothing sounding right.
The one person I want to communicate with.
Yet I just can't ever say it right.
Do you mirror this as well?
Do you wonder if I will ever reach out as well?
I keep hoping you'll just reach out.
Break the ice that has grown so cold.
But you never do.
While I never find the words to.
  • Author: Destiny\'s Perspective (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: May 6th, 2022 01:37
  • Category: Love
  • Views: 15
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  • Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose)

    Itโ€™s difficult when we canโ€™t communicate our truth to another person .. and the person on the other end is distant anyway

    Sorry .. it is painful .

    A good writing tho ))

  • Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose)

    I hope he reaches out one day )))

    • DestinysPerspectives

      Me too for my sanity but I am afraid it is too late for that lol! Eh, of course it's bothering me hence the poem but at the same time I am learning to be okay with it. If he can't see the gold that I am than someone else will.

      • Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose)

        Sad (( I wander why he never tries reaching out .. not even a hello ?

      • 2 more comments

      • L. B. Mek

        your words are sadly, so - so relatable
        dear poet, thanks for sharing..
        (over time, after pondering
        this same anomaly
        in direct opposition, to my usual
        capacity for expressing myself
        somewhat eloquently
        I came up with this, explanation)
        'the difference between, elite performers
        at sport or competitive business
        is that, those who do well
        can remove, the magnitude
        of the situation
        from their mindset's, perspectives
        and simply
        find a window, of calmness
        to perform
        like any other times or when training
        for this moment or event..
        and that's exactly what happens
        when we engage
        with people that have a profound
        impact, on us
        or have a conversation, from which
        we envisage
        consequences, that will impact
        our lives significantly..
        and so
        just like in that Olympic final
        some of us, will crumble
        buckle and submit
        to the pressure of the moment
        while others
        with better natural reactions/mindsets
        or those
        who buckled, before
        and have retrained themselves
        to withstand this pressure:
        to perform, at their maximum
        ('that my 2 cents worth...' lol)
        and so
        what I have come to understand
        is that
        if I can't, have the conversation
        I want to
        or express myself, as I
        choose to
        its something, within me
        revealing my limitations
        at this point and time
        and that's, perfectly alright..
        so my choices
        are to write down what I want to say
        and read verbatim, or
        allow myself, to grow
        so that next time, I'm faced
        with a similar situation
        I'll be ready!...
        (choose what suits you best, dear poet)
        and sorry for the lengthy reply

        • DestinysPerspectives

          No don't be sorry at all for the lengthy reply! I really love and appreciate the time you took to write this. I love the way you put it in terms of performance pressure! It's the best way to explain it. I honestly enjoy the insight you always share! Your replies are well written poems on their own. It also opens up excellent conversation. Others might browse the comments after reading the poem and enjoy your perspective. So never apologize for expressing your much needed wisdom on matters that so many struggle with.

        • Paul Bell

          I think that's the impasse in any relationship coming to an end, and the one who walks away first really has said the last word.

          • DestinysPerspectives

            I love your perception on the poem! Thank you for reading and commenting. I really appreciate it! ๐Ÿ˜Š

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