I stand on what I say


When I told you I want you

Through the good and bad

Just know

I meant that

I know you been through a lot

Look ma

Me too

I just wanna be there for you

To uplift and comfort you

When your scared

I wanna be there

When your feeling empty

I wanna be there

When you feeling alone

Just remember I’m always here

Life threw you challenges

So let’s turn them challenges

Into happiness

Let me take some of that weight

Of your shoulders

So you can breath a little 

Turn them frowns into smiles 

God created a queen

When he created you

So let me make you my queen

Cause you deserve that

Just know everything I speak

I stand on it

Fuc running game

It’s time for you to gain your peace bac

And just know when we make this right

Your never be alone

And I can bet my heart on that

  • Author: K.pugh (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: June 11th, 2022 16:17
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 12
  • Users favorite of this poem: kayewaye
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