It should have been our finest hour
instead we tell a story.
How members of the working class
went out and voted Tory.
Blueledge (Pseudonym) (
- Published: June 13th, 2022 01:42
- Category: Sociopolitical
- Views: 13
(ermmm, firstly
I'm sorry I just read your words
as few as they are, and I got triggered, evidently
I think I still need time
to get over that whole Iraq, debacle
I'm sorry, again
if you find my tone rude
or my
overopinionated words, just wrong..
please, forgive me
if you feel I overstepped
the privilege you afford me to read and comment
on your self-expressions, artistry
I genuinely, meant no disrespect)..
if labor was in power
we may have our children
dying on Ukraine's soil
while we protest, impotently
at downing street
(deja vu?)
for a war, we had no business
getting involved in
so fck Blair and his twisted legacy
as soon as he joined
the eu Remain, campaign
everyone voted for leaving the EU
cos we know, 'truth'
whatever that is, exists at the opposite
of whatever BS, that spineless sell-out
is trying to 'tony blair'
(as-in literally
that's his name's legacy)...
Tory (fckrs)
at least care about themselves
so we know they won't fck up
their interests
at least, we can hope they won't
(and fyi
I support neither..
so called
political party's, are becoming
the Munich walls
for modernity's atheists, who
need something to feel
impassioned about...!
'in my humble opinion')
I'm not offended by your comment. Nothing wrong with an alternative opinion. It's alternative facts I have a problem with. Seems to be the thing nowadays?
Iraq war was wrong but it seems the price to pay for being a member of NATO is fighting American wars.
I'd give credit to the Labour party at the time for peace in Northern Ireland.
They also stopped Cameron taking us into a war in Syria.
Politicians in general are poor at the moment. Well that's how I feel anyway. Maybe I'm wrong.
I do think a Labour government elected in 2019 would have returned essential services back into government hands. That's the reason I voted for them LB.
perfectly logical
like I said, I just need time to comprehend Iraq is all
and yes
Cameron was no better, he run away as soon as his shody dealings
were leaked in spain..
and Boris with his 'hidden away' children, is just a pitiful shadow
of a human..
(I really appreciate you putting up with my self-indulgent rant
may your kindness be repaid tenfold, dear poet)
Rant all you want. Sometimes it helps.
I'm just so disappointed with the quality of the politicians in general.
Most of them are millionaires so what does that tell us?
I've been away too long, so some of your debate re Blair and Cameron goes over my head.
But I do know Iraq was wrong , and that mass protest made SFA difference.
As for Korea, Vietnam and so on, and on - right up to today's conflict..... Same cast, same story.
Thanks for putting it out there.
When will the world stop fighting wars and act together as one human race.
Have I been watching too much Star Trek?
I think I've been attempting to correct the misperceptions here re war, history and 'tyrants' for too long (and should shut up about it).
See my last few entries here.
Opinionated debate welcome however....
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