
sirlocowicked AKA Bubba

Here take This seems like your low,

This Will help make the red start to glow.

Your knees look weak and about to fall,

Let's charge that battery so you can call.

I'm reaching out to lend a hand,

So on your two feet you can stand.

Like a battery our lifes get drained,

Without struggle nothing is gained.

If I'm fully charged and seem somewhat set,

My positive energy you can surely get.

Take the negative and make a positive,

Change the reason that's the causative.

Looking at this picture both are the same,

One is just less but still in the game.

Never hesitate to ask or lend a hand,

Never now it could be you sinking in quick sand.


Johnny bubba Chavez


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  • L. B. Mek

    'Here take This seems like *you're* low,
    This Will help'..
    its as simple as that!!!
    thank you! dear poet
    for showcasing
    why, taking care of ourselves
    and Believing in ourselves, to Affect
    and change our Circumstances
    for the better
    is our Only, truly
    meaningful way of maximising
    this gifted life...
    (and the 'purposed' self-favouriting of your poem
    was a great way to demonstrate and reaffirm your message!)

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