Waiting for Halloween like....

kitty the naughty poet

The pumpkins are crying cobwebs

cos the seasons are passing so slowly

winter through to spring

waiting for autumn like it's summer rain

so Eddie picks them up holding them tight

and with his headphones blasting

all three have a party

in the corner of the living room

when everyone's gone to bed at night

  • Author: kitty the naughty poet (Offline Offline)
  • Published: July 8th, 2022 00:41
  • Comment from author about the poem: I took the picture myself Eddie is up in my front room all year round
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 7
  • Users favorite of this poem: L. B. Mek
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  • orchidee

    Did Eddie get like that waiting too long for a bus to come along?! He needs to eat more, put on some flesh! lol.

  • L. B. Mek

    when I worked at harrods
    they would open
    their Christmas, room
    in June...!
    and I was like, you're killing it
    for us;
    then the kids would come
    and I realised
    yeah, to them
    it can't come early enough...
    and i so miss
    that part of me, lost
    in the slow wait
    of season's, to change
    and life to begin...
    (a lovely read
    related to it
    on a more personal level
    than merely poetic..
    thanks for sharing, dear Poet)

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