Our Kelly

Paul Bell

She was just one hit away
Knew the score
Could stop it anytime
Unlike Kelly, stupid bitch
Fucking needle sticking out of her arm
Christ, how many times
How many times did she tell her
She started selling her body
That’s when you know you’ve hit rock bottom
No way back when you start doing tricks
Told her straight
You’ll either get murdered
Or end up dead in a toilet
She knew best
She became a walking skeleton
Pitiful person who would do anything for a hit
It was only a matter of time now
She would inject anything
Till there was nowhere else in her body to inject
It was probably a release in the end
Her body just gave up
Kelly found her
The way she found her everyday
You look after your friends
That’s what you do.

  • Author: Paul Bell (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: July 18th, 2022 05:20
  • Category: Sad
  • Views: 30
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  • Neville

    I sincerely hope every single MPS participant, regardless of whether they be a regular poster, or just visiting, and passing through find these words Paul .. I know lots of Kelly's and you tell her tale so bloody well and true .......... Neville

  • orchidee

    Sad in a way - poisoning the body for yet another 'high'.
    Fido guards any drug cabinets from me fiercely! lol.

    • Paul Bell

      Man's best friend. lol

    • Doggerel Dave

      Yeh - I can't find fault in that.
      I covered much the same ground from a slightly different perspective in 'Peter's Complaint' way back and it's a bloody mess. I believe smack to be slightly out of favour today compared with the Seventies, the era in which Pete and I were located, having been superseded in popularity by other substances. Can't stop progress, can yer...........

      • Paul Bell

        Yeah, cocaine is the choice drug now. Even beer has gone for a burton.

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