tidy groomy trim


Notice of absence from arqios
Be kind….
…. words don’t rewind

TRIM, slim, and shiny

I search and rummage

through the vanity

my nails all grimey

Trim claw-like integument

clip--clip-- snip and clip

get them all in shape

file them, keep them squared

TRIM, slim, and shiny

back into the vanity

the drawer is never tidy

my nails no longer grimy




  • Author: crypticbard (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 4th, 2022 00:36
  • Comment from author about the poem: Trim was a brand of nail clippers with a shiny nickel plated finish. A bit of a playful rhyme from yester-year.
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 18
  • Users favorite of this poem: L. B. Mek
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  • orchidee

    I'm glad someone's integuments are trim. It's all right for some, having trim integuments! I might faint if I didn't know what they were. lol.

    • arqios

      True, they are 'unsightly' or more correctly 'unhearly' words hahaha

    • L. B. Mek

      this is deep, dear Poet:
      'cleanliness is next to godliness'
      while soldiers, must
      be in uniform to be and act, 'as one'..
      while society's first impressions
      are dependant on clean shoes and
      trimmed nails..
      meanwhile our cupboards, just can't
      get clean!
      could unpack this all day long..
      well done!)

      • arqios

        There is that public ready part of the self and the other part that rarely gets into the spotlight. Thanks L.B.

      • Osei Zion

        Nice poem

        • arqios

          Thanks Osei. You are much appreciated.

        • Bella Shepard

          I suppose, because they are always on display, we need to keep them neat and tidy. But they do have a very evolutionary basis. We can do so many things with them; grow them, cut them, buff them, paint them, chew them, scratch with them, peel labels with them. What would we do without them?

          • arqios

            Exactly! Thanks Bella 🙏🏻💅🏻

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