Words to dust


I yearn to tell what's in my soul

but lack the words to tell it all

Ore, covered with so much ground

Digging, looses the interest of all around

Once mined it must be refined

Requiring a heat that can blind

Then shaped into a useful form

Polished and tempered, while still warm

Those pieces that are of no use

Cast into piles of refuse

I Watch them rust

Then turn to dust

Returning to the ground

Where they were found

  • Author: sorenbarrett (Online Online)
  • Published: September 9th, 2022 07:08
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 15
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  • dusk arising

    Keep digging, the nuggets you'll find and bring to the surface will be a treasure forever.

    • sorenbarrett

      Thank you dusk. My mind seems to always be sifting through the dirt. Once in a while i see something shiny but all that shines is not gold.

      • dusk arising

        Dont critcise yourself so much sorenbarrett. You are one of the few mps poets i make a point of reading each visit (i dont visit every day at the momemt). Keep on doing what you're doing whilst learning new tricks from other poets. None of us write our best pieces every day.

      • Bella Shepard

        For me this is a sublime metaphor, the mining and crafting of words into poetry. Who knows when that refuse may become gold. Such a fine write dear poet.

        • sorenbarrett

          Thank you Bella for your review and words of encouragement

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