

I'm not sure of anything anymore,
I can't think straight, I'm too wounded to fight,
Now it's too late, no use keeping the faith,
Darkness has drowned the light

Like a fallen angel, my halo has faded,
My heart burns with the pain of mortal men,
My soul, my spirit's jaded,
I don't belong here, but I'm not allowed to leave,
So many thoughts fill my head,
I don't know what to believe

So many have fallen before me,
Yet until now, I've bravely fought on,
My armour of faith has been pierced,
Now all hope is gone,
So many victorious battles,
But the righteous didn’t win the war,
The blood of the innocent, spilled in vain,
Is no longer pure

I keep smiling on the outside,
Inside I want to cry,
Don't have the will to go on living,
But I'm not ready to die,
Hopelessness, has stricken me, like a fatal disease,
No escape, I feel so restless,
My mind, no longer at ease

Why should I still believe,
Why should I say my prayers,
When whispered troubles of the heart,
Seem to fall on deaf ears,
Should I still be your angel my earthling,
When I have loved and lost, and my heart is sore,
Because I'm not sure of anything…
No, nothing, anymore

  • Author: Amit.Singh (Online Online)
  • Published: September 19th, 2022 05:58
  • Category: Sad
  • Views: 10
  • Users favorite of this poem: darknessandlight
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  • skpearl

    You've perfectly captured the sense of losing control and hope. Good poem!

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