My Damm Butterfly


I saw a butterfly today

It fluttered here, it fluttered there

Does it even know where it is going?

Does it even care?


It fluttered by the fence

like a drunken sailor,

narrowly missing a spider's web

attached to the side of my trailer.


It landed on a dandelion

relaxed there for a bit,

then it fluttered off again

it didn't give a sh*t.


The spider's web had caught a lot,

a wasp and a grasshopper gone awry

but to my surprise

not one drunken butterfly.


  • Author: kel554 (Offline Offline)
  • Published: September 20th, 2022 23:25
  • Category: Humor
  • Views: 16
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  • Doggerel Dave

    Liked the butterfly.

    Should you intend to stay, it would be good if you could tell something about you and respond to other's poems.

    • kel554

      Thanks for sharing that with me.

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