

With each passing day the sounds of night go away

It used to be a time of peace, now only lights and sirens of police

Screams in the night awaken you with fright

Owls driven away and not by the day

Drained are the bogs, gone are the frogs

The television drones on, gone the night birds song

No glow of the firefly no winds lullaby

The street lights have swallowed the stars only noise of bars and cars

The voice of crickets stolen, muffled thunder rollen

A time meant for rest has become a hornets nest

But then you wouldn't know, you have never heard it so

As proof, have you ever heard the patter of rain on your roof ?

Night turned to day, around the clock we work and play

With nostalgia I must say, just like night and day, all things must pass away

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  • Eugene S.

    There's a sense of loss in the air today and a common thread amongst the poets. Thought provoking poem.

  • Bella Shepard

    This is such a breathtaking commentary on our modern, electrified, technoligized world. I'm old enough to remember a night sky full of stars, not so my grandchildren. I remember summer nights with the only sound was that of the insects, and staying out late to catch fireflies. It saddens me that it has all, as you so eloquently said in this poem, passed away. But we are lucky to have the memories.

    • sorenbarrett

      Thank you again Bella for your read and most kind comments. Ah yes the memories, they do remain and often are what prompts various poems. At my age there are many more memories than time to look forward to. I am awaiting your next poem in that I have wonderful memories of those you have written, some like the turtle stick in my mind.

      • Bella Shepard

        I am truly humbled by your expression of support dear friend. I came to writing late in life, and have since discovered a whole new world of thoughts and wonderful people. Your friendship is dear to me, and every time I read one of your poems I am inspired. I continue to search you out, for words of wisdom and beauty that speak to the heart.

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