The Poor Mystic


In a world of wealth and greed, There was a poor mystic who lived a life of simplicity. He owned nothing but the clothes on his back, And spent his days in quiet contemplation, free from attack.


He walked the earth with no destination, Content to let the winds of fate take him on a journey of creation. He lived in the present, with no worries for the past or future, And in this way, he found true spiritual nurture.


Despite his poverty, the mystic was rich in spirit and soul, Unconcerned with material possessions, his heart whole. He shared his wisdom with those he met, Helping them to find inner peace, to their own lives reset.


The poor mystic may have had little in the way of earthly wealth, But his spirit was rich, and his heart full of health. He showed us that true happiness comes from within, Not from the things we own, or the places we've been.

  • Author: vedaturaga (Offline Offline)
  • Published: December 26th, 2022 08:18
  • Category: Spiritual
  • Views: 5
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